Is namaste better than hand shake?
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COVID and Culture: Is Namaste or Bowing Better than the Handshake?

Ever since SARS I have felt reluctant to shake hands and touch objects like subway handrails. Now that we are deep into the first round of the pandemic it’s worth asking questions about how we will interact in the future. Is the handshake doomed? Will people drop the custom and replace it with namaste or bowing?

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Zoom Fatigue: How Educators Can Replace Live Video Lectures with Asynchronous Course Work

Teachers are tired and stressed. Traditionally, they have had worries about job security. safety at schools, whether they will be paid for prep work and extracurricular activities and a host of other aspects in their routines. But now, in the age of pandemic, the worry turns to tech and issues of time. How does this software work? How will it help me? How will I find the time to learn how to use it?